in reverse order

since this is a blog, you have to go to the very bottom and read them in reverse order. eventually, there will be pages across the top where you can read chunks of information in a logical order. this is all free posting, so, maybe that is why it has to appear in reverse order.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Flourish No. 1 - Part 2

Hopefully you have done about 100 flourishes on a j, y or g. This page shows how you make the same flourish on a b, h, d, or k. You simply turn the page upside down and do the same flourish.

The l is a little trickier. You have to be pretty careful when you join the stem to the base part of the letter.

Notice the same flourish can be done on a slanted letter as well as an upright letter.

Pulling a pretty cross bar on the t utilizes the same graceful curve.

The second and third y's show how to loop back over - completing the figure-eight and ending in a loop.


  1. I've been practicing flourishes for such a long time, and here you taught me in seconds more than I've ever known! Thank you for your thoughtfulness and sharing your talent and creativity! Blessings!
